Android Remote Administration Tool
Things You Need :-
Android Developer Tools
Java Runtime Environment
AndroRAT Source
Java Runtime Environment
AndroRAT Source
Getting Started
Extract and run eclipse, which is inside the Android SDK:
Choose "use this default workspace and don't ask again" when eclipse runs
should look like this:
Preparing the SDK
The SDK comes with the basic tools & libraries, but we need to download more packs to compile AndroRAT.
In eclipse, click: window -> android SDK manager
this should open:
note: The Android app says it needs API level 2.2; this does not mean it's only for 2.2! This is the minimum requirement. It will run in GingerBread 2.2 & up! (2.3, HC, ICS, JB)
select these:
click install packages
accept anything that pops up
wait for the download to finish
close & re-open eclipse
Compiling the APK
go to file -> new -> project
select this:
click browse & select this:
click OK, this should appear:
make sure the project is checked
click finish; it should load the project into eclipse
note: you can compile this app right now, but it will ask you on startup (on the phone, when launched) for the IP address of your NO-IP host (since you will use that I assume). We will change this source later on to make it automatically configure itself on startup & go to background
If you'd like to, you can compile the APK right now.
click the drop-down button to compile the APK (when asked what you would compile it as, select "Android Application")
note: the APK will be built to the bin folder inside the project's folder: (the one we downloaded)
Compiling the Server
go to: file -> import
select this:
click browse when the new window shows up. select this:
make sure the project is checked, click finish
our project will have an error-like icon:
right click on the project folder (the icon with the "!" sign) & click properties
click "Java Build Path" & click the "Libraries" tab:
the libraries with the "x" icons aren't recognized by eclipse, so delete them. select them all & click "Remove"
the project still needs those libraries. on the same window, click this:
navigate to:
select all and of the files & click open
click OK
Now we're going to run the applet once, so we can compile it in a second:
click on "Androrat Server" in the package explorer window
click the drop-down arrow next to the green "play" button -> run as -> Java application -> "Server - server" -> OK
AndroRAT Project (our client window) should run. if so, great!
close AndroRAT Project
Now we're going to compile our RAT client into a .JAR: (so we can run it whenever)
click: file -> export; select:
set the options in the next screen as shown:
click finish
note: you will get a few warnings; click OK on each
Modifying the APK to auto-configure our server on startup
Delete all of it's content & replace with this:
Edit the obvious parts:
You can put your NO-IP address here, if you'd like (alternatively, you can use your IP)
compile & you're done
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